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![]() [1] OVERHAND KNOT: This one is easy ... just bitter end over and under the bight. The overhand is used as a temporary stopper to prevent a rope from unraveling or passing through a ring, eye, or pulley. It's also We starting point for other knots, including the reefor square-knot [2] FIGURE-EIGHT KNOT: The figure eight is a better stopper knot than the overhand, because it's easier to untie after the rope has been pulled tight. Just form a bight with the working end over the standing part ... run the bitter end under the standing part to form a second bight ... then put the bitter end through the first bight. The result looks like a sideways numeral 8. |
![]() [1] OVERHAND KNOT: This one is easy ... just bitter end over and under the bight. The overhand is used as a temporary stopper to prevent a rope from unraveling or passing through a ring, eye, or pulley. It's also We starting point for other knots, including the reefor square-knot [2] FIGURE-EIGHT KNOT: The figure eight is a better stopper knot than the overhand, because it's easier to untie after the rope has been pulled tight. Just form a bight with the working end over the standing part ... run the bitter end under the standing part to form a second bight ... then put the bitter end through the first bight. The result looks like a sideways numeral 8. |
Is the Chinese Love of Lighter Skin Racist? In China, come home after a hard day's work, turn on the TV, and I guarantee you that on any given night, a third of the television commericials and perhaps half of the infommercials will be dedicated to selling women the magic elixir for lighter skin. The Chinese are obsessed with light skin, and from casting soap stars to choosing a marriage partner, the preference is clear: the lighter the better. And it's not just China. Fly West from Beijing to New Delhi, to Lagos, women everywhere are looking for that powder, that cream, that peel that will make them a little bit lighter. Many of these unregulated products will not only damage their skin, but seriously endanger their health. |